Mary V`s Fresh Fruit Creations
Gift Certificates Available
Containers may vary
Fruit Hearts Bouquet $ 68.95
Palm Tree Centerpieces $ 47.95 ea.
Decorative Palm Trees
Can be added to any buffet
$ 54.95 ea
Dessert buffet with palm tree and Chocolate fountain
Call for pricing
Decorative Monkies
$ 54.95
Monkey Fruit Platter
Carved Watermelon
Centerpieces $ 125.95
Pumpkin Center Piece with chocolate dipped strawberries &
cheese cake strawberries
Watermelon Wishing Well
$ 124.95
Pop Corn $ 34.95
Fishing Basket $ 99.95
Fruit Palm Tree $ 6.50 per person
add a chocolate fountain and it`s
sure to be a hit at your next party
With Chocolate Fountain $6.75per person 603-923-7856
Fruit Platt
$ 3.00 per person
Watermelon BBQ Grill with
Fruit Kebabs $ 39.95
All Fruit Prices May Vary Due To Market Prices
Whole Fruit Display $ 3.00pp
Spring Fresh Cut Fruit Basket
Feeds 10-12 people $ 59.95
Fresh Fruit Baskets
$57.95 and up
Gourmet Baskets
$ Start at 64.95
Small Watermelon Fruit Arrangements
$ 67.95 each
Pumpkin Fresh Fruit Arrangement
$ 99.95 and up
Fresh Cut Fruit Display With Flowers
$ 3.00 pp
Monogrammed Fruit Display
Snowman Themed Fruit Arrangements start at 74.95
Daisy Fruit Creation
Chocolate Lover Delight 4.00 per person
Strawberries, Cherries,
Marshmallows, Wafers
We're not around, but we'd love to chat another time.